A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A very useful but unglamorous tool, a "dropper" is a simple level editor that lets you position objects in 3D space and then writes all the positions/rotations/etc. to an easily parsed text file. Your game can then read this file to put everything in the same place.

This is a Python script that allows you to use Blender as a dropper. Years ago I realized I could use Blender for this purpose and wrote a simple Python script to export data about the scene. Well, Blender's API changed shortly after I wrote that and the original script no longer works in the latest versions of Blender. When I saw the Toolbox Jam, I decided this was a good time to rewrite my script in the new API.

This time I also had it export any custom properties that you set, plus you can choose either JSON or XML for the output format. The included scene demonstrates how to setup objects for export.

Note that I also ported this script to Maya:




dropper4blender.zip 126 kB

Install instructions

by Joseph Hocking www.newarteest.com
GPL license https://www.blender.org/support/faq/

code for Blender 2.8 (originally 2.77)
install in Edit > Preferences > Add-ons
once installed: File > Export > Dropper

Saves info about objects in the scene:
name, position, rotation, scale, custom properties
(ignore objects with ~[ somewhere in the name)
Select either XML or JSON for the data format. 

Development log


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Hey man. How would this play with 4.2?

Thanks in advance.

Technically I don't know, since I haven't tried it in that version. But it's working great in 4.0, and I doubt that has changed.